District Educational Improvement Council (DEIC)
In compliance with Education Code 11.251, the District Educational Improvement Council (committee) shall advise the Board or its designee in establishing and reviewing the District’s educational goals, objectives, and major District-wide classroom instructional programs identified by the Board or its designee. The committee shall serve exclusively in an advisory role except that the committee shall approve staff development of a District-wide nature.
The committee is composed of members who represent campus-based professional staff, District-level professional staff, parents, business and the community. At least two-thirds of the District and campus professional staff shall be classroom teachers. The remaining one-third shall be professional non-teaching staff.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the District-level committee obtains broad-based community, parent and staff input and provides information to those persons on a systematic basis. Methods of communication shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Periodic meetings to gather input and provide information on the work of the committee. These meetings shall be advertised in the District.
2. Articles in in-house publications regarding work of the committee.