High School Course Selection
Focus Night 2025 Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will my student and I be required to attend one or both of these nights?
A: Nope! Neither night is mandatory and both nights will feature the same Programs and info. The ONLY mandatory session is the Dual-Credit session. IF your student has NEVER taken a dual-credit college course, they must attend one of the mandatory dual-credit informational sessions on the 16th OR 21st.
Q: Do I have to come to each event or can I choose ONE night to attend?
A: No, you only need to attend one of these nights.
Q: I can't make it to either of the events. What are my options?
A: Unfortunately, these are the only dates and times available for the 2025-26 course selection.However, you can find information about each of our CTE Programs and course descriptions on our Career & Tech Ed page HERE.
Q: My student is already taking dual-credit classes. Do I still need to attend one of these events?
A: No. Only incoming freshmen who are interested in the FISD Collegiate Academy and/or current 9th-11th graders who are interested in taking dual-credit courses for the FIRST TIME are required to attend.
Q: If my student already knows what they want to take in high school, do I need to attend?
A: Technically, no. However, we especially encourage incoming freshmen and their parents to attend in order to gather as much information about their upcoming high school academic experience as possible!
Q: If we don't attend, will my student(s) be blocked from registering for their courses?
A: No, not at all. They just won't be eligible to apply to our Collegiate Academy/Dual-Credit courses.
Q: How will the event be structured?
A: Doors will open at 5:30 for parents and students to tour the facilities and stop at program tables, which will all be housed in the arena on the first floor of The OC. Students and families are free to walk the halls and classrooms, talk to teachers and attend informational sessions covering topics such as the transition from middle school to high school and Future Ready skills.
Q: When will my 8th grader actually start signing-up for their high school classes?
A: This process will begin at the middle schools in February. Please contact your student’s school counselor for more details about your student’s specific registration dates.
Questions? Email CTE Coordinator, Shelbie Prado - srprado@forneyisd.net
You can also visit the High School Registration main page for more information about our campuses and programs.
2025-2026 Course Descriptions Guide
Career & Tech Ed Program of Study Options for 2025-2026