Admission Process
Admission PROCESS for native english speaking students
For admission in the Two-Way Dual Language Advanced Academy a non-Emergent Bilingual student must meet the following criteria:
- For Incoming Kindergarten students:
- All candidates applying for the dual language program must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2024.
- Candidates must be native English speakers.
- Parents must attend one of the scheduled Kindergarten Parent Informational Meetings. This is the first requirement for the candidate's application. During the meeting, parents will receive the dual language application packet as well as other application requirements.
- All parent informational meetings will be held at the Forney ISD Administration Annex, 701 S. Bois D'Arc, Forney, TX 75126.
2. For Grades 1-6 students:
- Non-Emergent Bilingual (non-EB) Dual Language Transfers: Native English Speakers who are transferring from an out-of-the-district dual language program will be considered for placement in the academy after a committee reviews pertinent information AND if space is available.
Important: Due to space limitations, not all eligible students will be placed in the dual language program.
Admission Criteria for Siblings of Current Dual Language Students
For admission in the Two-Way Dual Language Enrichment program, siblings of current Dual Language students will also have to meet the criteria listed in previous sections.
Process for Incoming Kindergarten Native English speaking students
Parents of native English speaking candidates wishing to apply to the Two-Way Dual Language Academy must complete the following steps.
- Parents of dual language candidates must attend a Dual Language informational meeting which outlines the program, its requirements, benefits, and challenges, and the need for commitment of both the parent as well as the student.
- During the meeting, parents will receive an application packet as well as information regarding other requirements. An appointment will also be scheduled only at the time of the meeting. The parent/guardian will also fill out the application packet on the day of the meeting.
- On the day of the appointment, parents will bring the following documents: Birth Certificate and Residency Verification Documents to confirm Kindergarten eligibility.
- Parents will be notified by email upon the child’s acceptance into the academy.
- Kindergarten enrollment requirements must be completed by May 1 or the student will be dropped from the dual language academy and the vacancy will be given to the next applicant in the waiting list.