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Contact Us

Mel Harlan

Director, Engage and Higher Education

Jake Walker

Coordinator, Engage

Sonya Bannister

Engage Specialist
Phone #: (469) 762.4138


“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller

Many different research studies have found that engaging students in the learning process and in their community increases their focus, attention and motivation. The goal of the FISD Office of Engagement is to develop and institute programs and events that engage students in their interests and keep them involved with the school community and their fellow peers. The model is based on the Student Affairs Department at the collegiate level and those programs are being adapted to be accessible by all students in K-12th grade.

As we begin this journey to engage the students of Forney ISD we are starting with a few different areas. We will be expanding the esports program into the middle school level to give more students access to the benefits of technology, communication and teamwork. We will also be adopting the Summer STEAM Camps program to make them accessible throughout the year as after-school programs. In addition, we are launching an intramural sports program to engage students in after-school athletic activities that they may not have access to at this time.

To get involved, simply click on the left-hand side of the page on the program you are interested in learning more about. When you are ready to register for an intramural sports program or STEAM Camp, you can click on the link on the page and you will be redirected to our registration site. Through this site you can register for all of our programs and submit payment through the online payment portal.

Student Expectations

As with any school-sponsored program, it is important that students follow directions, engage with others in a positive manner and strive to help cultivate a successful environment. When registering for any program that is sponsored by the FISD Office of Engagement, an agreement to abide by the Student Code of Conduct is signed. If students are unable to meet expectations in the program for which they are registered, they will be sent home. If issues persist with students, or if the offense is of a serious nature, those students may not be allowed back into the program. Expectations are set with students at the onset of all the programs so that there is no confusion. If students or parents have questions of what is asked of them, please do not hesitate to contact the person in charge of the program!