Purchasing & Accounts Payable
The school district purchasing objective is to acquire the best products, materials, and services at the lowest practical prices within relevant statutes and policies.
Public schools in Texas are required to follow specific guidelines when procuring goods or services. The most efficient method that we follow is by utilizing membership with purchasing cooperatives. See our Prospective Vendor Letter for the list of purchasing cooperatives to which Forney ISD is a member.
All requests for new vendors are reviewed and approved based on internal requests by a Forney ISD department or campus administrator. We invite new vendors to share information with the administrator relevant to their industry. Department and campus administrator contact information can be found on the Forney ISD website. Be prepared to provide the Purchasing Cooperative contract award information.
Campus administrators must be allowed to focus their attention on the educational needs of their students. Solicitors, vendors, collectors, or salespersons shall not be permitted to confer with employees during school hours without the prior approval of the Superintendent or designee.
All Trustees, employees, vendors, contractors, agents, consultants, volunteers, and any other parties who are involved in the District’s financial transactions shall act with integrity and diligence in duties involving the District’s fiscal resources.
For any questions or concerns, please contact the Purchasing department at 469-762-4100 or purchasing@forneyisd.net.
Department Responsibilities
- Purchase Orders
- Check Requests and Reimbursements
- New Vendor Addition
- Competitive Procurement
Department Resources
- Prospective Vendor Letter
- Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
- Blank IRS Form W9
- Employee Forms/Documents
E-Bidding Registration
To participate in Forney ISD's bidding process, vendors are required to register in our e-Bidding System. Click here to register.
Registration ensures that prospective vendors are notified of bid opportunities in all appropriate categories and allows for full participation in our procurement process.
Request for Proposals
Click here to view current bid opportunities posted in our e-Bidding System.
Forney ISD has multiple construction projects in progress at this time. These projects are being managed by Gallagher Construction Services. Bid packages and timelines are posted on the Project Bidding page of the Gallagher website: gallaghertx.com/project-bidding/
Department Contacts
Susan Marcoe, Director of Purchasing and Accounts Payable
Michelle Delgado, Coordinator - Accounts Payable
Shay Minter, Accounts Payable Clerk
Kimberly Harvey, Accounts Payable Clerk
Laressa Reese, Accounts Payable Clerk
Sheryl Rich, Buyer - Purchasing
Elizabeth McDonald, Purchasing Clerk
Invoices may be emailed to: accountspayable@forneyisd.net
469-762-4100 - Office
469-762-4101 - Fax
Office Hours:
7:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Forney ISD is committed to building a sound and efficient learning organization that is prepared for transition. We are committed to transparent, fiscally responsible practices that best utilize all district resources.