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Elementary GT

Elementary (K-4) GT Service Plan

Referral Window: Teachers, parents, and others who know the child well can refer the child for GT testing in the fall semester by completing this form. All referrals will be tracked in a district-wide spreadsheet. Students will also be screened using their MAP scores (for grades 2-8) from the testing session immediately previous to the testing window according to FISD GT qualification policies. The referral period will close on the last day before winter break. Are you unsure if you should refer your child for testing? Check out this checklist!

Testing Windows: For 2024-25, kindergartners will be assessed throughout January & February with results being shared by the end of February. All other grades will be assessed after spring break with results being shared in mid to late May. The following skills are helpful, but not required, to complete GT testing:

  • Ability to use a track pad on a Chromebook. If they do not know how to do this, a teacher can help them, but it works best when students can click answers on their own.
  • Ability to recognize patterns and what will come next. For example, in the pattern ABABABA, the letter B will come next.
  • Ability to visualize a missing piece and what it should look like. Do puzzles with your child and have them describe what a piece should look like based on the rest of the assembled puzzle.
  • Ability to look at an abstract object and imagine a whole image and story to go with it. On a day when there are big, fluffy clouds in the sky, lay on the ground with your child and have them tell you what they see. Push them by asking questions that get them to elaborate on their vision ("Where does the elephant live?", "What is the dragon doing?", etc.) and get them to develop a whole story around their imagined image.
  • Most importantly, do not put too much pressure on your child. It will be impossible to accurately evaluate them if they are unreasonably stressed. 

Qualification for Services: At the conclusion of testing, the parents/guardians of all tested students will be notified of their results via email. Students that earn qualifying scores on multiple measures will qualify for GT services. Students will begin receiving services in the subsequent school year. Students do not need to requalify each year. 


K-4 Service Plan

  • Students at Blackburn Elementary will receive services in the Advanced Academics Fine Arts Academy (AAFAA). This program provides fine arts integration to qualifying students in kindergarten through 4th grade. For more information about the AAFAA, click here. GT qualified students who do not attend Blackburn will have to option to apply for any open spots in the spring.
  • Students at Wilson Elementary will receive services in the Dual Language Academy. This program provides enriched academics in both English and Spanish, enabling students to become fluent in both languages by the time they move up to intermediate school. For more information about the DLA, click here.
  • Students at all other elementary campuses will receive most of their services through a weekly GT pull-out time at their home campus. During this time, students will
    • participate in activities that incorporate Depth & Complexity
    • learn and engage in the research and presentation process (completed projects will be shared at the annual GT Showcase night in the spring)
    • receive interventions in social and emotional development
  • Some campuses will also make use of a clustering model in their core academic classes.
  • All K-4 GT service plans provide students with the opportunity to work with gifted peers, general education students, and independently throughout the school year.
  • All GT students will have the opportunity to participate in STEAM Camps during the summer for further skill, interest, and/or talent development.
  • All GT students will have the opportunity to participate in Credit by Examination (CBE) at parent request. Email your campus counselor for more information.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Forney ISD GT Handbook.