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Secondary GT

Referral Window: Teachers, parents, and others who know the child well can refer the child for GT testing in the fall semester by completing this form. All referrals will be tracked in a district-wide spreadsheet. Students will also be screened using their MAP scores from the testing session immediately previous to the GT testing window according to FISD GT qualification policies. The referral period will close on the last day before winter break. 5th-8th graders can be referred by any adult that knows them well. High school students can only be self-referred. 

Are you unsure if you should refer your child for testing? Check out this checklist!

Testing Window: For 2024-25, the testing period for secondary students will begin after spring break with results being shared in mid to late May.  The following skills are helpful, but not required, to complete GT testing:

  • Ability to use a track pad on a Chromebook. If they do not know how to do this, a teacher can help them, but it works best when students can click answers on their own.
  • Ability to recognize patterns and what will come next. For example, in the pattern ABABABA, the letter B will come next.
  • Ability to visualize a missing piece and what it should look like. Do puzzles with your child and have them describe what a piece should look like based on the rest of the assembled puzzle.
  • Ability to look at an abstract object and imagine a whole image and story to go with it. On a day when there are big, fluffy clouds in the sky, lay on the ground with your child and have them tell you what they see. Push them by asking questions that get them to elaborate on their vision ("Where does the elephant live?", "What is the dragon doing?", etc.) and get them to develop a whole story around their imagined image.
  • Most importantly, do not put too much pressure on your child. It will be impossible to accurately evaluate them if they are unreasonably stressed. 

Qualification for Services: At the conclusion of testing, the parents/guardians of all tested students will be notified of their results. Students that earn qualifying scores on multiple measures will qualify for GT services. GT services are provided to secondary students through advanced sections of core classes. If the student is not currently enrolled in an advanced section of a course, they may request a schedule change for the next school year. Failure to enroll in at least one advanced class will be interpreted as a denial of services and the student will be exited from the program. Students do not need to requalify each year.  

Intermediate and Middle School Grades (5-8)

Starting in 5th grade, students will have the opportunity to enroll in GT IRL and subject-specific advanced courses at all of our intermediate campuses. These courses will be in the core subject areas, starting with Math and English in 5th grade and adding Science and Social Studies in 7th grade. GT students will be provided services through specific clusters within the advanced classes. 

In addition to core classes, GT students will be encouraged to participate in academic competitions, such as UIL. Students can also continue to take advantage of Credit by Examination to test out of courses for which the content is already known. For students who accelerate into high school level courses in intermediate or middle school (such as an 8th grader who is enrolled in Geometry), accommodations will be made to enable students to take higher-level courses.

Continuing to grow in the 2024-25 school year!!

Our Advanced Academics Fine Arts Academy is expanding to Smith Intermediate! As the class of 2031 grows up, so does AAFAA! If you child qualifies for GT or Advanced services, they are eligible to apply for any open spots for the 25-26 school year. 

High School Grades (grades 9-12)

Once a student reaches high school, the opportunities for a GT student grow exponentially. In addition to the advanced offerings in all core subject areas, GT students can now follow their passions in many STEM fields, career courses, creative arts, performance arts, and leadership. 

Academic offerings will be similar in structure to previous grade levels. In addition to general advanced courses, GT students will be encouraged to enroll in Advanced Placement and Dual Credit courses. When possible, GT students will be clustered in advanced classes. If you're not sure which of those course types will work best for you, here is an article from Dallas Morning News that, although old, may help.