Certification Procedures
Section 21.003 of the Texas Education Code indicates that all individuals employed as a teacher, librarian, educational aide, administrator, or counselor be certified according to state guidelines. The best source for information regarding certification is the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website certification page.
Individuals desiring to obtain a teaching certification through an "alternative" program can access details by clicking here.
Click here to access a summary of the process for becoming certified as an education aide.
A crucial component of meeting both state requirements is successful completion of appropriate exams. Educational Testing Services (ETS) is currently the entity which conducts testing for Texas certification. Information regarding the testing process can be accessed at the ETS website (https://www.ets.org/praxis/tx/test-takers/plan-your-test/certification.html).
Contact Jonathan Campbell Ed.D., Director of Human Resource, (jscampbell@forneyisd.net) for assistance with any certification issues.