Guidelines for Grade Level and Course Acceleration
Definition and Purpose
Exam for Acceleration (EA) Without Prior Instruction - Provides an opportunity to earn grade level in which no prior formal instruction was completed. The EA is designed for a very small percentage of learners who have both the academic and emotional need to advance a course. Exam for Acceleration is not designed for grade level recovery when a student is retained in a previous grade level. Students must demonstrate mastery of 80% or higher on an EA to earn credit and have the next exam in the sequence ordered.
The only students who should take an EA are those who display an extremely advanced level of understanding of the learning objectives assessed on the EA which will be the grade level/course above the grade level/course in which your child is currently enrolled. Exam for Acceleration (without prior instruction) is available to first through eighth grade students who wish to test for advancement to the next grade level and sixth through HS students who wish to accelerate in individual courses.
Examinations for grades K-8 and individual courses are criterion-referenced tests from University of Texas, or other testing instruments approved by the Superintendent or designee. In order to accelerate, K-8 students must meet the minimum assessment history requirements before the first exam will be ordered, and then take and pass all four core content exams (in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) for the grade level he or she wishes to accelerate.
Students are encouraged to review the course study guide on the University of Texas website (click here).
Placement in the accelerated grade level or course will only take place at the beginning of the next school year.