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Forney ISD Pre-K

Forney ISD offers free PreK to eligible 4 year olds based on the TEA Eligibility Criteria. Students must be 4 years old prior to September 1st of the current school year and must reside in the Forney ISD attendance zone. 

Students must meet at least one of the following eligibility requirements: 

  1. Unable to speak and comprehend the English language

  2. Is Economically disadvantaged (qualifies for the free or reduced lunch program)

  3. Is homeless (as defined by 42 United States code (U.S.C. Section 1143a)

  4. Is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces

  5. Is the child of a member of the armed forces who was injured or killed while serving on active duty (must be active duty the first day of school)

  6. Is or has ever been in conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (foster care)

  7. Is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award

Documentation of eligibility is required. To have your students eligibility reviewed for PreK for the 2022-23 school year, Click Here. After your submitted documentation has been reviewed you will receive email communication regarding eligibility and next steps. 

Required Documentation: 

  • Unable to speak and/or comprehend English- a language assessment is required

  • Economically disadvantaged- 1 month of paystubs, Tax return, TANF or SNAP Eligibility Number

  • Homeless- At-Risk Services approval

  • Foster Care- Letter from DFPS or CPS

  • Military- Military ID, Statement of Service, Copy of Death Certificate, Copy of Purple Heart Orders, Official Letter from commander

  • Star of Texas Award- Certificate of award

Full-day preK is available on a first-come, first served basis. Half-day prek is available after full-day prek has reached capacity. Determination of campus placement occurs after a student qualifies for the program.

Parents: Please do not submit a Skyward application until you have been notified that your child qualifies for PreK.